New York Document Scanning Services

If you are looking to convert your office from an array of documents to a paperless solution, document scanning services in New York with ScansAmerica plays a critical part in making it happen.

We are your local source that can provide accurate, high-quality and consistent files and images. We work with different sizes and types of papers, drawings, photos and even sensitive documents to help you manage, store and access your information.

Bulk Scanning Services in New York: Our Unique Process

As your go-to document scanning company in New York, we implement an intricate 12-step process. Here is an abbreviated overview of our procedures:

  • We enter your inventory into a management system for tracking and perform sample conversions.
  • You can view the samples to make modifications, then we begin document preparation.
  • ScansAmerica professionals scan all your documents with the latest technology and monitor the process.
  • We rescan any imperfect images or documents, then create a filing system upon your request.
  • A new team of experts verifies accuracy, and we offer full-text search capabilities.
  • We ensure quality and deliver the final results to you in your specified formats.

What’s even better with our services is that we can pack and pick up your boxes for a complete, hassle-free experience. Our specialists perform each project from start to finish by conducting all the preparation, scanning, indexing, quality control and delivery. We offer backfile and day-forward scanning where the former involves one-time bulk projects, and the latter supports an on-going scanning process.

Why You Can Rely on Our Document Digitizing Services in New York

ScansAmerica handles all your bulk scanning projects, so you can eliminate the worry of buying expensive machines and hiring more personnel to complete and manage the process. If you have a massive amount of papers you need us to work with, we will travel to your location for a consultation. We will also answer questions and customize a quote.

Several benefits of trusting our digitization services include:

  • More office space for business operations
  • Instant access to documents
  • Accessible sources from anywhere at any time
  • Limited risk of losing vital papers or throwing them in the trash
  • Protect files from natural disasters
  • Boost your company’s workflow

We solve your document situation whether you need more office space or you’re relocating. You may even want a new cloud-based file management with your records in one area. Whether you have medical documents, photos or protected data, ScansAmerica ensures a secure and efficient process to keep you working.

We Are the Digital Conversion Team You Can Trust

We serve New York and several surrounding states when you need digital solutions to create a streamlined inventory of files. Contact us online for a free estimate or if you have further questions about our solutions.